Monday, 11 July 2011

Reflections on Malawi - Sue

Hi everyone, Sue here. Thank you all for your encouraging comments and prayers :) As you can probably imagine, I have my hands quite full keeping these three guys in line!

As you may know, I have been to Malawi many times and have experienced much. Poverty, death, sadness; yet also lots of fun and happy times. I really love this country and its people. Many things stand out to me each time I come and I would like to share two of them with you.

Firstly, a few days ago I had the privilege of working at ‘Open Arms’ orphanage. This centre specialises in care for abandoned new born babies, up until they are two years of age.

I fed and cuddled this tiny baby – he looked very premature yet was actually 3 months of age!

He was discovered in a village being cared for by his 12 year old sister, as their parents had both past away. Tragically this story is typical of so many of the children cared for at this orphanage.

The second experience I would like to share with you, is from last week when I had the privilege of giving a “basic health and hygiene” talk to around 80 women! I hadn’t expected such a turn out, and as such only had 30 toothbrushes with me to hand out! So we took the names of all those present, and I quickly went out and bought another 50 toothbrushes to hand out the next day! Seeing this group of ladies wait patiently in line to receive their toothbrush was quite something. I even did an aerobics session with them! Wow!! – is all I can say!

“God is good, all the time – All the time, God is good – and that is his nature!”



  1. Lovely to see your smiling face Sue and to read of all God has been doing. May He continue to give you the opportunity and energy needed for your ministry.

  2. Kate, Luke and Girls11 July 2011 at 22:36

    Some beautiful pics & lovely stories here Sue. Will show the girls when they wake up. Love to you both from us all.

  3. Sue, you look as if you are enjoying every moment! What, no photos of the aerobics.
    Love to you both
