Monday, 18 July 2011

Aussie partnership at work

Some 4 or 5 years ago three PCV congregations pooled resources and bought CCAP Zambia Synod a 24 seater bus. Here it is – as strong as ever ...

Through constant use the bus wore out and the engine seized. Courtesy of recent well-wishes who said to me “Use this money for Bibles OR some other need of the ministry in Zambia”. This is it! The bus has had a complete overhaul and is now working fine. They use the “ALL FOR JESUS” bus constantly for evangelistic crusades, choir festivals, ministry to the sick and needy. Along the way it provides a small but steady income stream for the Synod as they carry goods for other people, NGOs or churches. So thank you: kind people of the PCV.

Several people from PCV donated money this year to purchase Bibles for Zambia. Here they are! (At least, some of them).

With the total PCV amount we purchased Bibles in Bemba, Tumbuka and Chewa, and also some much-needed hymnbooks. Most of the rural congregations we’re visiting in Chililabombwe, Matero, Mazabuka have no income to purchase even one Bible. Can you imagine that? What you have done is place in the hands of each of 360 Christian believers a copy of God’s precious Word. That’s 360 lives changed! Well done, PCV. Eternity will reveal how this gift has helped these dear ones in Zambia. The need is on-going.

Final service
The church gathered on its new plot – picture a housing estate before nay services, roads or structures – that’s where we met in the open air for morning worship. Praise of God was in the air. We laid a foundation stone for the new church building and John S laid another stone to mark the new manse. We also presented the Bemba Bibles.

Following a worship service full of joy and full of praise of God, we reluctantly left Chililabombwe for Lusaka. We plan to stay in Lusaka overnight then proceed to Mazabuka where we plan to meet the CCAP church leaders there and minister to an orphan family that I care for.

We can’t “take it all in” – the training sessions, the crusade response, the fire, the presentation of Bibles. But we leave confident that God will sort it all out and bless this church into the future.


  1. It's so encouraging to see the tangible evidence that gifts have arrived - the bus is running, Bibles are distributed.
    And how encouraging to see the attentiveness of the people as the Word is preached. May the seeds sown take root in the lives of these lovely people.
    Now you four need to rest a while!!

  2. great news from Chililabombwe.Our God is an Awesome God ! Love to the Gondwe family and prayers for a safe journey home . Jean
