Thursday, 23 June 2011

How to Send Messages to The Team

Today is the day! We are just about ready to leave for the airport!
Thanks to everyone for all the support :-)

To clarify, if anyone wants to send messages or verses etc for encouragement, the easiest way to do so, is it to comment the most recent post, by clicking on the "Comments" link at the bottom of the post. You can then write your message to the team! Below your comment, there is a selection for "Comment-As", if you don't already have a google account, the best method is to select the "Name/URL" option, and leave your name in the "Name" field (you can leave the URL part blank!). This way we know who you are!

Alternatively if you would prefer to send a private message to the team, you can email us at This email will be checked daily.

We would love to hear from you all while we are away!


  1. Have fun guys :D

    Don't miss me too much Carey :P

  2. Hey Cezzzzzzzzzz how are things going? Sucks that texts aren't getting through.. I sent one :( Haha ohwell. Wedding went really well, was good fun :) How is Malawi?
